If you have followed the steps of accessing the EES Army from this article but cannot proceed to denied access request, you may reach the Help Desk of Army ERS and EES via Human Resource Command (HRC) by phone call at 1-888-276-9472 (ARMYHRC).
Alternatively, you can also send an email to usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.it-help-desk@army.mil. Use the email subject of ‘Policy’, ‘Profile’, or ‘IT’, to help the support team locate your email to the designed mailbox. You must include an error screenshot as an attachment to make it easier for the developers to tackle the issue.
If you fail to address the EES Army issue you encounter, it may affect the rating period that can disadvantage you as a military soldier to be considered for significant assignment or promotion.
Evaluation is a pivotal part in assuring that the Army is brimful with ready-to-fight-and-win personnel and achieving leadership development. EES Army, along with ERS, is a system where the Soldiers can receive and monitor their evaluation reports and the rating officials can submit and process the reports.
Here are some of the EES Army menus that you can navigate to access various functions:
Main menu: You can back to ‘Home’ or log out of your account.
Profiles: See your or other people’s profiles.
Training resources: new training for the Army OER (Officer Evaluation Report) and NCOER (NonCommissioned Officer Evaluation Report).
Before you access EES Army, it has to be noted that the system requires you to perform a set of credentials and installations beforehand. Here are the steps that you need to do prior to accessing the system:
Prepare a set of readers to acquire and download information regarding EES and its manuals.
Make sure you have installed the DoD certificate and prepare a pre-installed CAC reader if you use your personal device.
If you used a personal desktop computer, it is recommended to access EES by using Windows 7, 8/8.1, or 10.
Make sure you have installed the most recent version of Active Client that’s compatible with the Windows version of your personal desktop computer.
If you use Internet Explorer, make sure you have adjusted the setting to access governmental/military websites.
Make sure you have Adobe Reader installed to open PDF documents.
Make sure you check out the official website of the HRC at evaluations.hrc.army.mil where you can download instructional videos or documents to use the EES.
If you have fulfilled all the points above, you can proceed to access EES Army by following the steps below:
Go to the login page of Army EES at evaluations.hrc.army.mil via the Army Human Resources Command website.
Open the EES Evaluation System.
Go through the process of accessing via military CAC Card, as follows:
Choose the tab ‘Digital Certificate’ and press ‘OK’.
Select the valid and correct CAC card certificate.
Wait until you are redirected to the page ‘Terms of Use.’
Open the tab of “I agree to the terms of the User Agreement” and press ‘Accept Terms’.
Evaluation Entry System (EES) is an administrative platform where users can request and grant Evaluation Reporting System (ERS). ERS itself allows the Non-commissioned Officer Evaluation Reports (NCOER) and Officer Evaluation Reports (OER) users to view and keep track of their evaluation information updated by the Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS) and the Human Resources Command Evaluation Systems Branch.
EES Army
The ERS provides information on the best-qualified officers and non-commissioned officers to receive promotions and higher position assignments. It also presents information on Soldiers who must be eliminated, retained in grade, or maintained on active duty.
This system is a replacement for the Interactive Web Response System used for evaluation monitoring as a part of the Army’s modernization system. It is also used to obtain Academic Evaluation Reports (AER) and the profile history of the senior raters.
EES Army is constantly refined. Recently, the HRC Evaluations Branch is attempting to upgrade the system by incorporating “Manage Rating Chain” as a new feature, which allows the key personnel and unit such as S-1 or commanders to establish rating procedures and recognize rating officials according to the authorized organization structure.
As mentioned before, the EES Army enables the monitoring of Non-commissioned Officer Evaluation Reports (NCOER) and Officer Evaluation Reports (OER). There are various reasons to receive the OER or NCOER. Assuming that you have been responsible for your current position for 90 days at least, here are some of the most common Army OER types you may receive:
Annual Report
This is most likely to be the most common OER type, which is received after you’ve been assigned for 12 months in a specific duty position.
Extended Annual Report
This report has two different types. The first type is a mandatory one to cover non-rated time period following the prior report. The second type is optional and utilized in certain situations only.
Change of Rater Report
This OER type is received by an officer if their present boss moves from the current duty position—be it due to promotion, transfer, separation, or retirement.
Change of Duty Report
This report is received when an officer is assigned to a new duty position, usually from a transfer or promotion from their prior job.
Temporary Duty, Special Duty, or Temporary Change of Station Report
It is given when a soldier is relocated temporarily to a new official station or assigned to a temporary duty for over 90 days. However, a DA 1059 form is used instead of this report if the soldier is attending a military school.
Release from Active-Duty Service Report
This report is typically provided by the end of deployment. It is exclusively used for National Guard (ARNG) & Army Reserve (USAR) as well.
Failed Promotion Selection Report
This report is provided only for the active-duty army officers and not for National Guard (ARNG) & Army Reserve (USAR) when the officer is transferred over for promotion purposes.